Team Plan Inc. is one of the nation's premier land planning and land development consulting firms. Our team of highly trained & experienced land planners, project managers, and design professionals will guide your project through development review, permitting, and entitlement processes. Our clients include developers, builders, realtors, homeowners, business owners, property management associations, and local governments. Our complete line of development services are individually tailored to fit your needs.
We are a full service consulting firm that specializes in urban and regional planning, progressive zoning, and all matters related to land development and urban design.
Our land planning team is at the forefront of national trends and utilizes cutting-edge technology, including 3D GIS and GeoDesign.
Our zoning and land development teams work with clients to guide projects through local and state review processes to achieve their goals.
Our landscape designers and LEED certified neighborhood planners emphasize low impact and sustainable development.
Our urban design team utilizes their extensive knowledge and experience to bring your project to life.
Team Plan offers a full array of out-sourced public sector services, including local government Planning & Zoning Administration, permit review, and site plan approval.
Rezonings, PUD's, development order amendments, conditional uses, special exceptions, variances, project management, and agent representation.
Plan updates, Plan amendments, Evaluation and Appraisal Reports (EAR's), major and minor map changes, annexation reports, data and analysis.
Zoning Code reform, updates, text changes, map amendments (rezonings), interpretations, expert-witness testimony, graphics and illustrations.
Geographic Information System (GIS) support, maps, data and analysis, including Comprehensive Plan Map Series & publicly accessible ftp sites.
Master planning services, including residential and non-residential planned developments, mixed-use developments, commerce and technology centers.
Site planning services, including residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, institutional, and mixed uses. Site plan amendments and code variances.
Preliminary subdivision plans, plats, and replats, including subdivision variances, right-of-way abandonment applications, and plat waivers.
LEED Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) and LEED Building Design & Construction (LEED-BD&C) professionally accredited and certified by the USGBC.
Land use and zoning consistency, utility and traffic availability, adequate public facilities (concurrency) determinations, and development potential scenario plans.
10-Year Water Supply Plans, School Board Castaldi Reports, Equestrian Master Plans, Parking Supply Plans, Infill Plans, Park and Recreation Plans, R-O-W Acquisition Impact Plans, Development of Regional Impact (DRI) modifications and updates, time extensions.
Climate Action Plans, Sea Level Rise (SLR) Vulnerability Assessment Reports, SLR Adaptation Reports, HAZUS Reports, LEED for Cities and Communities Applications, SolSmart and Grant Applications.
We use advanced virtual simulation techniques to ensure that your vision becomes reality. Our animation studio produces 3D models and digital twins for use in marketing, raising capital, and during the planning, design, and entitlement phases of development.
Please contact us for your design, development, land use, zoning, and urban and regional planning needs. As the name infers, our Team is here to assist you.
Contact Us3rd Places Design is Team Plan's emphasis on opportunities for social interaction and increased visibility of nooks, crannies, and foregotten places. Often, the smallest places make the biggest difference.
Futurescapes is the methodology developed by Team Plan to create 3D scenarios of future development using population and employment projections, parcel-based land use suitability analysis, and the principles of GeoDesign. Futurescapes result in better information to the public and better decisions by policymakers. is the non-profit 501.3(c) created by Team Plan to catalog and record every known Native American midden in the State of Florida. We do this using LiDAR technology and GIS to create 3D images of existing conditions to better preserve our hertitage for future generations.
For more information about Team Plan, our services, or one of our associates, contact us here. Your message will be returned within 24 hours.
Or, if your prefer, contact us directly by phone, mail, e-mail, or through one of our social media outlets.